Specialized Welding Solutions
Milco Manufacturing has been creating specialized welding solutions since 1950. Our customers include all of the major domestic automotive manufacturers, tier one suppliers, many of the transplant and international automotive corporations as well as several other manufacturing concerns. These companies have chosen Milco Manufacturing as a partner because we provide leading edge technology that is both cost effective and delivered in a timely fashion.
Our specialized welding solutions include everything from custom resistance welding guns to specialty machines such as projection welders and portable welding stations. Our true manufacturing process gives us the flexibility to design and build welding equipment that is unique to your manufacturing needs. Milco has earned a strong reputation for developing custom welding solutions when project conditions prohibit the use of standard products.
Because we control every aspect of the manufacturing and construction of our guns, we can maintain a level of quality and service few can manage. The secret behind our welding technology is the ability to manage a wide range of tip forces and the ease of adjustability. This freedom of adjustability allows us to develop specialized welding solutions for our client needs, rather than trying to fit them into our products.
Interested in learning more about our specialized welding solutions? Contact us today to get started on your Milco experience.